• Working Hours - Mon - Thu: 8:00 - 17:00; Fri: 8:00 - 14:00
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Expression of Interest (Vendor Registration)

Background The Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria (IHVN) was established in 2004 as a local organization to address the HIV/AIDS crisis in Nigeria through the development of infrastructure for treatment, care, prevention, and support for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. IHVN has expanded its services to other infectious diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, and non-infectious diseases, including cancers.  IHVN is structured to develop and maintain linkages with local and international organizations in collaborative ways that support the Government of Nigeria’s health sector strategic plans. IHVN key technical and funding partners are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Scope of EoI In accordance with best practices, the purpose of this request for expression of interest is to identify qualified, interested, and duly registered companies, suppliers, or service providers who would express interest in providing any of the below-listed goods or services to our organization in any of our various locations.
Language The EoI, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the EoI shall be written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages into the English language, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern. The Bidder shall bear all costs of translation to the governing language and all risks of the accuracy of such translation.
EoI Eligibility Potential vendors may be a private, public, or government-owned legal entity or any association with the legal capacity to enter into a binding Contract with IHVN.   A potential vendor, and all parties constituting the EoI, may have the nationality of any country with the exception of the nationalities, if any, listed in the United States Government Debarment List. A Bidder shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the Bidder is a citizen or is constituted, incorporated, or registered and operates in conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country. A vendor shall not have a conflict of interest. A vendor shall be considered to have a conflict of interest if: A vendor has a close business or family relationship with IHVN personnel who: (i) are directly or indirectly involved in the preparation of the bidding documents or specifications of the contract, and/or the bid evaluation process of such contract; or (ii) would be involved in the implementation or supervision of such contract.A vendor is associated, or has been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by IHVN to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods, services or works required in the present procurement process.A vendor has an interest in other bidders, including when they have common ownership and/or management. Bidders shall not submit more than one proposal, except for alternative offers, if permitted. This will result in the disqualification of all bids in which the Bidder is involved. This includes situations where a firm is the Bidder in one bid and a sub-contractor on another; however, this does not limit the inclusion of a firm as a sub-contractor in more than one bid. Vendors must disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest in the EoI submission, and they shall be deemed ineligible for this procurement process unless such conflict of interest is resolved in a manner acceptable to IHVN. Failure to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest may lead to the vendor being sanctioned. A vendor shall not be eligible to submit EoI if at the time of submission, the vendor: Is included in any other Ineligibility List from an IHVN partner and if so listed in the United States Government Debarment List.Is currently suspended from doing business with IHVN and removed from its vendor database(s), for reasons other than engaging in proscribed practices as defined in the IHVN Procurement Policy.  
Fraud & Corruption, Gifts and Hospitality IHVN strictly enforces a policy of zero tolerance on proscribed practices, including fraud, corruption, collusion, unethical or unprofessional practices, and obstruction of IHVN vendors and requires all bidders/vendors to observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process and contract implementation. IHVN’s Anti-Fraud email: [email protected] can be reached at all times to report any foul play at any level. Bidders/vendors shall not offer gifts or hospitality of any kind to IHVN staff members including recreational trips to sporting or cultural events, theme parks or offers of holidays, transportation, or invitations to extravagant lunches or dinners. In pursuance of this policy, IHVN: Shall reject a bid if it determines that the selected bidder has engaged in any corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question.Shall declare a vendor ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period, to be awarded a contract if at any time it determines that the vendor has engaged in any corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing an IHVN contract.
Taxes At every point in time IHVN Contract sum shall be subjected to a deduction of 5% withholding tax
Payment Terms IHVN will ordinarily effect payment within 2 to 3 weeks after receipt/acceptance of the goods/services and on submission of payment documentation.
Audit IHVN may conduct an audit of the contract awarded to determine its completeness, efficacy as well as the performance of the supplier which will be used as a basis for the engagement of the vendors for future procurements.
Requirements Ability to meet delivery targets within IHVN’s specified time period.
Evaluation of EoI The evaluation team shall review and evaluate all proposals on the basis of their responsiveness to the Schedule of Requirements and other documentation provided, applying the procedure indicated in the bid advert. Absolutely no changes will be made by IHVN in the criteria after all proposals have been received.
Supplier Code of Conduct   IHVN is committed to working in partnership with our suppliers to realize the full value of our relationships and to positively contribute to our stakeholder communities and the environment. Therefore, the following conducts are expected from our suppliers: In keeping with our commitment to exercising appropriate standards of professionalism and ethical conduct in all business activities, IHVN will not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form, or any breach of its Anti-Bribery Policy.Fraud & Corruption, Gift and Hospitality: IHVN strictly enforces a policy of zero tolerance on proscribed practices, including fraud, corruption, collusion, unethical or unprofessional practices, and obstruction of IHVN vendors and requires all bidders/vendors to observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process and contract implementation. IHVN’s Anti-Fraud email: [email protected] can be reached at all times to report any foul play at any level.Suppliers are expected to maintain accurate records of their activities and performance that clearly demonstrate compliance with all applicable standards, regulations and IHVN requirements.Suppliers must disclose any personal relationships, economic interest or other ties to their business held by an employee or contractor with IHVN.Suppliers shall provide IHVN with high-quality products and services that meet all applicable quality and demonstrate that they have robust Standard Organization of Nigeria requirements in place. We expect suppliers to immediately report to IHVN of any concerns about product safety.Suppliers shall take appropriate measures to secure and protect all confidential information related to its relationship with IHVN and use it only for the purpose authorized under contractual agreement. This obligation shall remain in force regardless of the status of the business relationship.Suppliers to IHVN shall carry out operations with care for the environment and at a minimum will comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.Suppliers shall also comply with the full supplier’s code of conduct as required by GF. Please find the link: https://www.theglobalfund.org/media/3275/corporate_codeofconductforsuppliers_policy_en.pdfSuppliers shall also comply with any additional category-specific requirements regarding the goods or services provided to IHVN, for example, our requirements in respect of specification.
  Pre-Selection Criteria The following will constitute the pre-selection criteria on a Yes or No basis:                    EoI must be properly sealed.Availability of a Company profile (including a list of key personnel, qualifications, and experience, locations of main office, branches, and/or outlets).EoI must include copies of tax clearance certificates for the past three years i.e., 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023 if readily available.Copies of audited financial statements for the last 3 years i.e., 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023 if readily available.EoI must provide evidence of at least two similar Jobs made in the past for IHVN or any other organizations.EoI must provide proof of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).Bank Reference Letter.Copy of DUNS Certificate.Proof of authorization to practice or to sell where applicable.Three references from your existing customers.Any other relevant document.
Submission Requirements All EoI must be in ink or type written, submission in pencil will not be accepted. Copies of the complete hard copies of EoI are to be submitted via courier or hand delivered, in a sealed envelope or parcel to the following address: INSTITUTE OF HUMAN VIROLOGY, NIGERIA     IHVN Campus, 6th Floor, Cadastral Zone COO Plot 62, after BAZE University, Off CITEC Road, Abuja-NIGERIA. Attn: Procurement Unit. All EoI must indicate their details in the bid register before dropping it in our bid box. EoI cover letter must be on Company’s Letter head, duly signed and stamped by an authorized company representative. All enquiries regarding the proposed application for the above should be addressed to the Deputy Director Procurement/HOD SCM via [email protected]
Note*                   EoI which must reach us within fifteen (15) working days from the date of this publication should have the title of the EoI written on the “Top Left-Hand Corner” of the envelope.We can only achieve our aims of long-term success if you provide outstanding service and quality products. To this end, IHVN shall reserve the right to delist any company for non-performance or non-compliance with specification, delivery time and any other terms of contract.
EoI Start Date/ Time27/10/2023         8:00 am
EoI Deadline Date/ Time16/11/2023         10:00 am
    Communications during the EoI Period  A prospective vendor requiring any further clarification may notify IHVN via email at the following address no later than 8 working days prior to the closing date for the submission of EoI: Email for submissions of all queries:  [email protected]  Use subject: RE- CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (VENDOR REGISTRATION).   The Procurement Team at IHVN will respond in writing (via email only) to any request for clarification of the EoI that it receives by the deadline indicated above.


 001Drug and Pharmaceutical Supplies
 002Laboratory Supplies
 003Printing and Media
 004Building Renovation and General Maintenance
 005Information Technology/Internet Services
 006Supply of Stationeries
 007Medical/Hospital Supplies
 008General supply and office equipment
 009Car Hire Services
 010Hospitality Services
 011Diesel Supply

Important Notice

  • The successful Vendor(s) will complete a vendor registration form with IHVN legal unit and maintain an annual renewal processes with the Institute.
  • Vendors shall be domiciled in and shall comply with all Government Regulations to operate in Nigeria. Vendors shall be regular taxpayers and shall furnish a copy of their operating license or certificate of registration. Vendors shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent practices.
  • This call for expression of interest does not amount to a commitment on the part of IHVN and nothing in this EOI shall be construed as a form of binding legal contract.
  • IHVN shall reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the acceptance or rejection.
  • After the screening process, all eligible vendors shall be contacted.

Biotechnicians Receive Training on Laboratory Equipment Maintenance

To enhance the skills of biotechnicians to maintain laboratory equipment across the country, the Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria (IHVN) has conducted a five-day training on calibration and certification of biosafety cabinet (BSC) equipment.

 IHVN NSF Enhanced Accredited Biosafety Cabinet Certifier, Mr. Olatokun F Ayobami, said that BSC equipment is the main containment equipment used to safeguard laboratory workers and the environment against infectious biological materials. “The training is to build the capacities of staff of Implementing Partners and the government,” he said.

Participants were taken through lectures and practical sessions on installing, using, and performing basic checks for Bio-safety cabinets.

IHVN Senior Technical Adviser, Laboratory Services, Dr. Sam Peters urged participants to utilize the skills gained at the basic certification training. “This is the first time this kind of training is being held in Nigeria. I urge you to hold firmly to what you have learned,” he said.

A trainee, Mr. Nsiffiok Sebastian Okon noted that the training has equipped them and spurred them to advance towards being internationally certified Biosafety Cabinet Engineers. “The training has been very instructive with a lot of opportunity for hands-on sessions,” he said.